Monday, September 12, 2011


Yesterday the family and I spent a few hours out at the air show! Just a few pics to share.  I guess I always get so emotional when I am around anything military related!  I feel an overwhelming sense of pride and gratitude!  I sometimes can not comprehend the unselfish sacrifices made to protect you and I and ours!  I know what it is like to welcome those loved ones home from an unsafe active duty trip!  I also now the overwhelming sense of relief when they are home safe!  So here are just a couple many people they are not all quality shots...hope you enjoy anyway!
the date is a day behind I just noticed on the was 9/11/11 the date is right..that is what I get for having a digital...I am planning on saving for a nicer camera
Like I said ..hard to get good shots with the crowds...I think this is the Black Hawk
I thought this was insane!  The man sitting at the booth looked at me funny as I snapped this...oh what we do with $...I guess if you have a dream!
This was probably my favorite stop!  I know it is simple...however it has kept my loved ones safe on the road.  There were pictures of a vehicle like this that had been hit by and IED was eerie...however the entire team walked away.  Thankfully!  
And the main event was the presence of the Blue Angels!  Unfortunately we did not stay to see them.  They were later in the afternoon...and this pasty girl was already burnt!  
All afternoon the sounds of jets could be heard over our house.  
Thanks for stopping in!
Always Smiling, 
Sarah :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah! My name is Steffanie Malbrough, Independent Scentsy Consultant. You won the blog giveaway over at My Sweet Savannah. Could you please email me at your convenience so I can explain your prize, you can shop and I can get it sent off to you soon! Take care and congrats!!


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